
Monday, 21 May 2018

I've heard of "Apartheid Israel"

Since Palestinians began to commemorate the "Nakba" along the Gaza Strip border this month, more than sixty Palestinians have been killed along the Gaza-Israel border, incuding an eight months girl. Some scholars have been arguing that Israel may be charged with genocide and crimes against umanity. They compare Israel treatment of Palestinians to South Africa's treatment of non-whites.   
In 1948 more than 700,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes and land when Israel declared itself a State. And today there are more than 5 Million Palestinian refugees worldwide, who are still demanding to return to their homes after seven decades.
Although the 2002 "Arab Peace Initiative" agreement stated that no settlement can be imposed on Palestinians people without their consent, communities of Jews are still moving to the West Bank, where there are 2,5 Million Palestinians. In addition, there are 1.6 Million Palestinians in Israel, who are marginalized, and 2 Million of Palestinians in Gaza Strip, which may be compared to the Warsaw Ghetto. 300,000 Palestinians are living in Jerusalem, that was officially recognised as capital of Israel on May 14 by the Trump Administration. This morning Paraguay opened its Israel embassy in Jerusalem. It's the second country to follow the United States. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we will see other followers. 

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Middle-East's regional fault lines

While the Yemeni civil war is still widely seen as a proxy war between the two regional powers, Saudi Arabia and Iran, an intensive attack  has been launched by Israel on Iranian positions in neighbouring Syria.  
Meanwhile, at least 55 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army in the protests along the Gaza-Israel border over the past weeks, and UAE forces have occupied sea gateways and airport on the Yemeni island of Socotra. Yemeni policy makers say UAE army has occupied the island without informing the government. They have also raised the UEA's flag over buildings across the Yemeni territory, in the aim to expand their presence in the Middle East and Horn of Africa.
In addition to this, as mentioned in my previous post, another proxy war between superpowers is now heating up in Syria: on the one hand we can see Russia, Iran and Turkey, on the other hand, the U.S. are followed by Britain and France in support of Israeli and Saudi Arabia interests in ensuring  to stop Iran's regional expansion. 
In this perspective, since June 2017 Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE and Baharin have broken diplomatic ties with Qatar, which has improved its relationship with Turkey in economic and military matters. Consequently, the Turkish government is using its ties with Qatar to weaken Saudi influence in the Gulf.
Unfortunately, it seems that regional chaos in the Middle East is set to continue with no solution. 

Sunday, 6 May 2018

"Land bridge" through Syrian desert

As mentioned in my previous post, after the U.S. had launched 105 missiles on 12 April, a Pentagon spokeperson said that two chemical weapon facilities in Syria were destroyed. But that wasn't exactly the case. 
According to a Lebanese source, the U.S. pretended to target chemical weapon facilities in South Syria. Actually, they destroyed a weapon convoy headed to Hezbollah group in South Lebanon. The trucks were probably accompanied by Iranian military forces. As it known, Iran has recently succeeded in securing one land corridor that goes through the Syrian desert and then continues to the Lebanese border through Shiite populations centers.
Unfortunately, in the current regional cold war, Syria is the principal conduit for Iranian military and financial assistance to the Lebanese Hezbollah.  
In this picture it's easy to see two important alliances. On the one hand, We can see  Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syria. On the other hand,  the U.S. are followed by France, and Britain in support of Israeli and Saudi Arabian interest in ensuring to stop Iran's regional expansion.