
Saturday, 31 October 2020

US electoral college system

In almost every US Presidential Election, the winner of the national popular vote also won the Electoral College. What happened in 2016 was extremely rare, as while Clinton received 2.87 million more votes than Trump did, Trump received the majority in the Electoral College. Actually, in the 2016 US Presidential Election, ten members of the Electoral College voted for a candidate different from the one to whom they were pledged. 

This happened just five times in American history, but twice in the last 16 years, the other time being George W. Bush's Electoral College defeat of Al Gore in 2000. In the US Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors based on the total House and Senate representatives in each state's congressional delegation. According to many political experts, the problem is that the Electoral College weights the election in favor of small, rural states. The picture above shows that smallest-population states have three elctoral votes, while California, the largest, has 55. 

With regard to US popular vote, which will be held next week, the poll found that Joe Biden hold an 8-point lead over Trump nationwide, 52 % to 44 %:

As it is known, Russia's intelligence services conducted cyber operations against targets associated with the 2016 US Presidential Election.

(source: )  

I do hope this time Russian Government doesn't order an influence campaign aimed at 2020 US election. 

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Naples' aerial images

Since Sunday, 25 October, people in Italy haven't been gatherings along the streets to protest against new lockdown measures. Actually, entrepreneurs, retailers, and representatives associations are still afraid they couldn't be able to reach their goals in order to maintain employment. 

Here below there're two aerial images of Naples, the Italian town most hit by COVID-19 second wave. Although Naples is located in a developed country, it is a town where there are many informal labourers, who are suffering the most. 

Many people around the world have been displaced, and many of them have been living in countries that are suffering from conflicts. We also have in some places a combination of drought related to climate change, conflicts and economic crisis. In this context, lockdown measures, closed borders, curfews, and travel restrictions have disrupted global food supplies and incomes. I Hope the number of new infections will decrease soon, because it is not something the poorest communities can deal with.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Naples' young people protest to lockdown measures

Many young people took Naples' streets on Friday night to protest new COVID-19 restrictions. They disagreed on new lockdown measures issued by the Local governor. They also said that those COVID-19 measures are typical of authoritarianism. But I would like to remind them the article 16 of the Italian Constitution, that allows the Government to adopt such restrictions: "Every citizen has the right to reside and travel freely in any part of the country, except for such general limitations as may be established by law for reasons of health or security. No restriction may be imposed for political reasons. Every citizen is free to leave the territory of the republic and return to it, notwithstanding any legal obligations." 

Unfortunately,  Italy's opposition parties are so able to manipulate young people. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Moving to rural villages

While we are still seeing detrimental COVID-19 effects on the towns worldwide, the number of new infected people continues to rise in my country. Today, on October 21st, there were 15,911 new COVID-19 cases in Italy. In terms of new infections, it is the Italian record in one single day.

In this perspective, many people, who have the opportunity to work remotely, are moving to rural villages to stay safe and live healthier lifestyles. Actually, If I had the opportunity to live in a rural village, I would leave the big town.

A friend of mine, who had left a big city one month ago, sent me a picture of two young donkeys. Since he has been living in a small rural village, he has had the opportunity to enjoy things like that in the picture below.

I have heard that donkey milk has been successfully with regard to children with cow's milk protein allergy, as its composition is more similar to human milk than ruminant milk.

Safeguarding native donkey breeds represents an opportunity for the development of rural and marginal areas, given that donkey milk is now appearing on the market due to its potential benefits for human health.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Remote working: boundaries between work and personal life


The image above shows a view of Naples, South Italy, where there have been about 700 new coronavirus cases a day since the first week of October. With over one million deaths and 37 millions infections, the virus is still spreading rapidly worldwide.
While countries across the world impose new restrictions and struggle to tackle a new surge of infections, many companies and institutions are pushing their employees to adopt remote working model. Governments across Europe are also issuing measures with the aim of encouraging remote jobs, which are on the rise all over the world. Actually, many companies had already adopted remote working before the epidemic began to spread in early 2020.

In this context, people who work remotely have to build their mental structure related to the new working model, considering that sometimes there is no clear end to the workday. Actually, many psychologists see that one of the most important issue for employees is that a clear disconnection is needed. And with regards to mental structure, it is essential to switch working from home, because work time tends to extend in private life.  

The problem is that many people, who have been working remotely since Covid19 began in early 2020, are still unable to create boundaries between work and personal life. For instance, people shoudn't cook or deal with their dishwasher while they are sending emails or reading documents related to their job. 

On the contrary, rather than attempt to reconcile work time and private life, we  have to establish boundaries between them. In this perspective, it may be helpful dressing for the office, instead of working in pajamas or replacing the shift that happens when workers commute to and from the office.




The four pictures above show places, located in small villages, where I would like to work remotely, from home.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Fighting economic decline and unemployment

While the global cruise tourism market is expected to decrease sharply in the aftermath of the Coronavirus epidemic, lands of wellbeing and wine and food tours can be powerful tools in the fight against economic decline and unemployment in Italy. Actually, last month I was so delighted to see many tourists from Germany and Northern Italy while they were enjoying whirlpools and cascades of hot thermal waters in Central Italy's old villages. Despite social distancing rules, they were also tasting wine and extra virgin olive oil through local historic cellars. 

In Central Italy, from October until the beginning of December is time of olives' harvest. The grapes of "Chianti" are also ready for harvesting in Autumn. That's perfect for tourists, who may have the opportunity to enjoy a unique experience together with the winemakers of Tuscany. It's truly authentic way to discover Italy's landscape.