
Sunday, 10 September 2023


In my opinion there is a biased view that favors, inconsciously or consciously, Western civilization's interests, norms and narratives. In the implementation of international law's principles we can still see that practice of privileging Western interests.

For instance, with regards to the self-determination principle we can easily see some inconsistencies. 

According to the Western media's narrative, Catalonia has NO right to secede from Spain, but Kosovo HAS a right to secede from Serbia.

The two Ukrainian provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk have NO right to secede from Ukraine.  But Taiwan has a right to secede from China.

That behaviour is still strictly related to a worldview centered on Western civilization.

The good news is that India Prime Minister has just invited African Union to join G20 as a permanent member. The head of Africa Union has already took seat.

Friday, 1 September 2023

September, 1st

On September 1st hibiscus' booms still appaer in my neighborhood. I can see them from my window. And those pink hibiscus flowers reminds me the importance of flowers and trees in the urban environment.

My daughter has come back from Ireland, where she spent her Summer holiday. She sent me a few photos of that Ireland's inspiring landscape.

She said the weather was never too hot and never too cold.

In the meanwhile, in my country many boys and girls are still enjoying their Summer holiday along Italy's beaches, as the weather is still hot here in Central Italy.

 Have a nice weekend!