
Thursday, 1 April 2021

Growing list of countries to suspend the Anglo-Swedish vaccine

On Tuesday, 30th March, Germany became the latest in a growing list of countries to suspend use of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to younger age group. Health Ministry had found 31 cases of a type of rare blood clot among nearly 2.7 million people who received the vaccine in Germany. 

Obviously, the European Medicines Agency said there was not enough evidence to establish a link between the problem and the vaccine.

Meanwhile, trees blooming and flowering announce the beginning of Spring and new life. 


  1. ...sad news, but spring comes along every year.

    1. True! Despite the epidemic spreading, in Spring weather usually turns warmer, trees begin to grow their leaves and plants start to flower.

  2. Hmmm 31 cases out of 2.7 mill and they stopped the vax? That doesn't even seem reasonable. Yes, thank goodness we have spring to look forward to. Oh I see I missed your birthday. I hope it was a great one!

    1. Actually, policy makers have different points of view. It is not the same perspective. I think they made that decision because that Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine hadn't been made in the EU ... The UK left the EU on January 1st.

      I had a great time, Nicole. Thanks! We stayed at home, as restaurants and coffees are still closed beacause of lockdown measures!

    2. ... meanwhile, on April 2nd, the Netherlands suspends use of AstraZeneca vaccine for under-60s.

  3. Pensa che a me hanno somministrato proprio una dose del lotto incriminato di Astra-Zeneca, fortunatamente nessun effetto collaterale! Non ti nego che ho un certo timore al pensiero di dover fare la seconda dose...
    Ti auguro una serena Pasqua!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Vabbè il tuo organismo ha reagito bene dopo la somministrazione della prima dose e, di conseguenza, non ci saranno anomalie neanche con la seconda dose del vaccino.
      Buona Pasqua a te e ai tuoi cari.

  4. Sono molto preoccupata perchè credo che mi somministreranno l'astrazeneca.BUona Pasqua.

    1. ma non c'è certezza che continueranno con la somministrazione del vaccino Astrazeneca. Conviene attendere e continuare ad osservare le distanze sociali.

      Auguri di buona Pasqua

  5. May the good sign that the pandemic will end soon with the blooming of flowers in spring.
    I wish you always in good health, away from all unwanted things.
    God bless you, Giorgio.

  6. A beautiful photo to herald the arrival of Spring and new life, Giorgio!

    Happy Belated Easter!

  7. Spero tu abbia trascorso una serena Pasqua!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram
