
Sunday, 13 February 2022

Land of the free

In November 2021 Angelique Coetzee, a South African Doctor, discovered the Omicron Covid-19 strain. She said that same European governments pressured her not to reveal publicly that Omicron was a mild illness. They asked her to say that it was a serious illness. She declined! Dr. Angelique Coetzee answered: "In South Africa Omicron is a mild illness, but in Europe it is a very serious one. That's what your politicians wanted to hear".

Never has there been a time that each and every one of us must let our voices be heard to defend our right to freedom. It's easy to see that many governments around the world are threatening with a complete disregard of laws and constitutional principles. Why are those governments forcing people to sign a piece of paper where it is written down in black and white that they didn't force them? People will not and should not undergo passively this abuse. Why are they using the tools of cowards? Those are the exact same methods of the organized crime: "pay or we burn down your home". It is called extortion!

Some people have doubt! I think people have an entitlement and freedom of choice, without bullying and harassment, blackmail, and threatening to take the job away. Not to mention of social life. Many people say no to the discrimination towards those of us who wants their free choice of not being vaccinated.

France, US, Italy, Greece, Austria, Luxembourg, etc. ... that's the land of the free. Land of the free!


  1. ...I always thought that, "the truth would set you free!"

    1. ... the news was published last week by "Die Welt", an important German national daily newspaper ... and nobody says it is a fake news.

  2. Stento a credere che sia vero!Buona serata domenicale.

    1. ... avrebbero già smentito se fosse non veritiera. E' un'accusa gravissima! Invece nessuno ha smentito la notizia riportata dal noto quotidiano tedesco "Die Welt".

  3. As long as this pandemic persists, politicians and the big pharmacy companies are going to be happy.

    Happy Wednesday, Giorgio!

    1. I am afraid Big Pharma companies and their owners (Goldman Sachs, Vanguard Inc., etc.) will be happy again and again 🤨 ... That's the world of slaves they have been able to create.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing a comment, Veronica 😊

      Enjoy the rest of this week!

  4. A few decades ago, yes I am old, a friend of mine moved here from Russia. A group of us were by a campfire taking politics. She kind of giggled and said, "You Americans think you are free. You have a fascist government hidden by your so-called freedoms." I was young then and disagreed with her. However, over the years and especially the last 5 I see what she meant. Now, though it is in our faces and what we in the US consider democracy is fast fading. In fact, the world is in a mess. Giorgio I always enjoy your posts. They are full of intelligence and truth. Thank you.

    1. Your friend who moved from Russia was right. She said we (Westerners) are so oppressed we believe we are free. We have just seen what Western governments are able to do: divide and rule. They have been able to create the division between vaccinated and not vaccinated. And they (politicians) will increase the division again and again.
      The world is in a mess, as you mentioned. That's true. There are wars in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc. Not to mention of Ukraine.
      Thank you for sharing your interesting thoughts, Nicole.
