
Sunday, 10 April 2022

2021 military exercises close to the Russian border

If we were to get a wider perspective of the Russian's invasion of the East Ukraine's territories, we would need same information about the military drills held in 2021 on the Ukrainian territory by US and UK. 

In June 2021 US, UK, and Australia (which is not a NATO member), held naval exercises in the Black Sea and Southern Ukraine. One month later, The US, Poland, and Lithuania held another military exercise involving more than 1200 troops in West Ukraine. In addition, from 20th September to 1st October 2021 large scale war games with US, UK, and same NATO and Ukrainians troops took place close to the Belarus border. 

As it is known, Since early 1990s Ukraine has been a buffer state between Westerners and Russia. On the other hand, according to a core principle of international law, there is the right of people to decide their own destiny in the international order (principle of self-determination). That's why it's not easy to say who is right. Obviously, that has nothing to do with shellings of residential neighborhoods, railway stations and hospitals, as we have already seen in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.   

Since Ukraine war began in late February, Russians have been knoking on Finland's door. In this viewpoint, the geopolitical neutral Scandinavian country was recently hit by two cyberattacks and an airspace violation by a Russian plane. If Finland's people or policy-makers of Finland try to join NATO, it would be a strategic mistake. Finland has been successfully developing economic ties with both Russia and EU. I think it would be a terrible mess for the Finnish people. 


  1. ...someone needs to take Putin out!

    1. Someone says: "Give it time. We are 46 days into this. Every day more sanctions and hurt will come to Russia".

  2. Our world is a mess. I have such mixed feelings on this war. If Finland is allowed into Nato, then why not Ukraine? I know, I know, countries have to prove themselves worthy, (sarcastic) I think Ukraine has enough proof. Words and sanctions just don't seem to be deterring russia. In 50 days a country destroyed, people displaced, and a Ukrainian president begging for help.

    1. Unfortunately, I have heard Russians have already been knoking on Finland's door ... since early March Russia's weapons and missiles have been deployed along the Finnish border.

  3. Serena Pasqua di pace caro Giorgio.Un abbraccio.

    1. Grazie per il pensiero, Olga. Sei sempre gentile.
      Ricambio gli auguri di Buona Pasqua.

  4. I pray that this war will be over soon. The prolonged conflict has spillover effects everywhere, hitting everything from trade to tourism.

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter, Giorgio.

    1. That's unfortunately true, Veronica!
      I'm afraid Russia-Ukraine conflict becomes a neverending war, which may spread worldwide. I've heard a powerful speech by Shaik Emam, a South African politician. He says poor Ukrainian people unfortunately fell in the same trap as we have already seen in Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc.

  5. Ho cancellato il tuo commento a Irina perchè non condivido le tue affermazioni.Ciao

    1. I commenti si cancellano quando i contenuti sono offensivi, oltraggiosi o contrari al pubblico pudore. E' il mio commento non rientrava in nessuna delle ipotesi appena menzionate.
      Tra persone dotate di senso civico si procede con lo scambio dialettico/epistolare, consentendo in tal modo il confronto tra punti di vista diversi.
      Tale comportamento mi ha comunque offerto l'opportunità di comprendere la distanza che c'è in termini di livello di civiltà.

  6. Scusami,ma non intendevo essere incivile.

    1. Non preoccuparti, Olga. Mi fa piacere vedere che tra persone serie tutto si può chiarire :-)
      Ti auguro un buon proseguimento di giornata.

  7. Mark my words...
    The war will be over by the end of this month...
    AND..Putin will be a dead man..! :O(.
