
Thursday, 30 June 2022

Madrid's NATO summit

Good news from the Madrid's NATO summit: the North Atlantic intergovernmental military alliance at the moment doesn't have specific plan in deploying weapons to Sweden and Finland, for the simple reason that the two nordic countries are not members of NATO for now.

The problem is that Putin said Russia would have to answer in kind if NATO infrastructure were to be deployed to Sweden and Finland.

A friend of mine took the two pictures above some years ago in Sweden. 


  1. I like the two pictures on your post.

    All the best Jan

  2. ...and Turkey is blackmailing the negotiation.

    1. I am afraid Turkey government has been keeping its relationship with Russia.

  3. I am sorry I have not been keeping up on this. We are having a crisis in the US with the the "man" who calls himself a Justice with the supreme court. He is overturning every law that he doesn't like one after the other. The one he hasn't touched yet is "Loving vs Virginia. That's the one that makes interracial marriages legal. He is black and married to a white woman. It is very scary times in the US.

  4. Questa guerra non ha mai fine purtroppo...Olga

    1. Temo sia proprio come pensi tu, Olga. Mi dispiace tanto per il povero popolo ucraino, ma sembra che nessuna grande potenza ha interesse a trovare una soluzione in tempi brevi.

  5. Your friend took great photos, Giorgio.

    Happy Tuesday!

  6. I fear for the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye. I remember its shelling by the Russians… I read that the Russians deployed rocket launchers on the site of the power plant. Unfortunately, Poland is a neighbor of Russia....

    1. With regards to Zaporizhya power plant I hope Russians will understand and fear of the consequences. Actually countries that are located close to Ukraine are in a mess ... Romania, Poland, Moldova, etc. have no choice but import anti missile systems designed to intercept and destroy any type of ballistic threat. Not to mention of Russian missiles that can be flown over the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which is located near the city of Zaporizhzhia.
