
Saturday, 19 November 2022

Cleaning the bottom of the Sea

Since last Sunday many volunteers have been cleaning the bottom of part of Mediterranean sea off the Western coast of Italy (Santa Marinella, 50 km North from Rome). Various kind of wastes,  that had been accumulated on the bottom of the sea, such as metal scrap, plastic bottles, and waste glass, have been eliminated. Obviously, volunteers have also been cleaning beaches.

Glad to see that some boys and girls have been involved in the cleaning operation along the beaches. 

That's a great combination between volunteers organizations and the local Administration.

I do hope other local administrations will do the same.


  1. It is a good act for the environment cleaning up the place

    1. True! I hope other towns and villages located close to the sea will do the same.

  2. Hanno fatto veramente mlto per l'ambiente!Ciao

  3. ...when we visited Maui, the north shore always had a collection of trash that washed in. On cleanup Saturdays they would have mountains of trash.

    1. Sorry to hear that there are mountains of different types of waste along the beaches of that beautiful Hawaiian island ... I hope there aren't hazardous waste.

  4. It's a great initiative. Plastic pollution has a huge impact on the marine ecosystem.

    1. True, Veronica: plastic pollution causes a threat to marine ecosystem. According to figures, in the last ten years, we have produced more plastic products than in the previous century. That's the reason why all local admistrations around the world should develop plastic recycling process.

      Thank you for sharing your point of view, Veronica :-)

  5. Hi Giorgio! It's terrible what people do throwing garbage and other things into the sea, rivers, in the forests... I, being on mushrooms, many times see illegal places where people make garbage dumps! In the past in the river in my city (we have a small river, but more than once there is a flood, my street is flooded too, but the reason is one person's private bridge, the bridge piles up the water) more than once I saw garbage, once for example, a car license plate. I always put the garbage in the trash (or, for example, when I’m in a place where I have nowhere to throw it I take it home with me).

    1. I think people who make abandoned hazardous waste sites must be prosecuted by the penal law and should have to go to jail.
      I heard that Asia has the highest concentration of contaminated rivers over other continents. According to United Nation forecast, we have a growing population (more than 8 billion). And water is potentially useful for humans as a source of drinking water supply or irrigation water. That's why water resources haven't to be polluted.

  6. In Russia, volunteers also clean the beaches and coasts of the seas. I live in Kuzbass. We don't have a sea, only an artificial sea. We clean up garbage along roads and coasts of lakes and rivers.

    1. Great to hear awareness about ecosystem protection and environmental issues is rising across the world.
      The more volunteers will be along roads and beaches, the more people agree on recycling of urban solid waste and hazardous waste management.

  7. Even on the Ligurian coasts it happens that important environmental associations with their volunteers and together with ordinary people who join them, clean up the coasts during the year, less frequently instead of the sea. This is because I think we need,in that case, people capable of making small dives. Unfortunately these commendable initiatives mercilessly highlight the incivility of the people and this is their only sore side

    1. Great to hear that environmental associations are working for such an important social cause along the Ligurian coast.
      The problem is that it's not easy to deal with electronic waste (e-waste), industrial waste, construction and demolition materials, old cars and chemical waste stockpiles, which are sometimes hazardus waste.

      Unfortunately, environmental crimes, such as water pollution or Illegal waste disposal (i.e. burying waste on private or public land) are defined as minor offenses by the penal law ... those crimes should be punishable by imprisonment.

      Thank you for sharing that info, Daniele!

  8. Es una buena forma d e ayudar al medio ambiente. Te mando un beso.

    1. Thank you for the appreciation, Alexander :-) ... I hope many volunteers will join environmental organizations that are involved for such important social cause.

  9. our ocean to be "garbage bin" now, unfortunately....
    Excellent idea that kids involve in the cleaning, hope, they will understand why we need our ocean cleaned.

    1. Exactly! we absolutely need our ocean cleaned, as plastic ingestion by fishes is a growing problem. Experts say many species of fish are more vulnerable to plastic ingestion than others.

  10. It's the volunteers that make the difference in our world.

    1. True, Nicole! Volunteers increase the emotional bond between us and the environment :-)

  11. It is so encouraging to see this kind of effort by concerned people. This kind of volunteerism is to be applauded and encouraged, and even more to the point, people should be civil enough not to throw away their trash indiscriminately in the first place.

    1. I agree on this point, David! ... I think so: the more volunteers get involved, the less people throw their waste illegally.

  12. Good to see such responsible people

    1. True! ... I am happy to see many young people involved in environmental associations' activities.

  13. Replies
    1. Glad to hear your appreciation :-)
      ... I hope other environmental associations & local administrations will do the same!
