
Sunday, 15 January 2023


US, UK & EU are sending billions to Kyiv to supply Ukraine with weapons and anti-missile systems. Who pays for that? We, taxpayers.

And who benefits from that? Weaponry manufacturers, obviously.  But who is the largest shareholder in weapon manufacturers? BlackRock

Last but not least: who is going to "reconstruct" Ukraine's buildings, highways and power stations after the war? BlackRock

It's so simple! We can understand it. 


  1. Replies
    1. We wait and see!

      Mr. Zelenski, who has alredy sold some Ukraine's State owned companies, will go to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Annual Meeting 2023. The meeting will take place from January 16 to 20 in Davos, Switzerland, and Zelensky will go there because he will sign other agreements related to Ukraine reconstruction.

      Meanwhile Western countries' public debt continues to rise sharply thanks to weapons & anti-missile systems delivered to Kyiv. It had been already rising since 2020 to 2020 because of pandemic.

  2. Hi Giorgio! I, speak of rebuilding Ukraine I something heard that contracts are to be had by Polish companies, among others (this information was in the media, I hope it is true...).
    Giorgio I greet you from rainy and windy Poland!

    1. ... Polish companies and US & UK multinationals. That's the aim! And that's the reason why other countries now begin to deliver weaponry to Kyiv ... because they want their companies to join other multinationals, which will be involved in Ukraine's reconstrction.
      Unfortunately, poor Ukrainian people fell in this trap!

      Have a nice week, Anna :-)

  3. We understand it but we cannot accept it. Everyone of us should scream his or her personal disgust and showing that people hate this war, people hate all the wars. But the truth is that not many but always too many people agree with GB. And this is not good.

    1. True, Daniele! But it seems US, UK and UE policy-makers don't hate this war. On the contrary, some of them are so glad to see a neverending war.

      Since 2020 Western countries' public debt has been rising sharply, due to Covid-19 pandemic and Ukraine-Russia. The problem is that Western countries' public debt is owned by 0.01% richer people who have been becoming richer again and again. Middle class will not exist anymore in US, UK & UE.

      Thanks for sharing your point of view, Daniele :-)

  4. That is the sad truth.
    Ultimately, it's the poor Ukrainian people who suffer.
    Happy Monday, Giorgio!

  5. Contractors for rebuilding Ukraine might be many, include Turkey and Arabic countries. ......

    Have a great day.

    1. While day after day poor Ukraninian people continue to die, multinational companies are planning how to make money for rebuilding airports, highways, power stations, etc.

      Meanwhile, the more Ukraininas die, the more money multinational companies involved in weaponry and anti-missile systems will make. It's so sad!

      I hope people around the world will not forget that in 2019 in Paris Russia's government was pushing on "consistent implementation of the Minsk agreements" which stated a special status for Donbass. I am talking about "Minsk agreements", and in terms of international law "pacta sunt servanda". A US' puppet in Kyiv didn't comply with "Minsk agreements".

      Consequently, it's easy to understand that if he, the comedian, had fulfilled Minsk agreements, Russia wouldn't have invaded Donesk and Luhansk.

      Thank you for the information about Turkey & Arabia's contractors.

    2. I see....
      thank you to let me know about Minsk agreement ..

  6. I don't believe Black Rock will restore Ukraine after the war!

    1. BlackRock will give the loan. Consequently more money will come back to them. And if Ukraine were not able to pay the debt, BlackRock would become the owner of the infrastructures. It's a very dirty game!

      Ukrainians love their country. They're too nationalist, but they have become victims of the making money game.

  7. La guerra es un negocio, te mando un beso.
