
Monday, 20 March 2023

China's mediation

China's president is just arrived in Moscow. As it is known, China's government has already shown its growing role as political power, considering that last week Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed in Beijing to re-establish dispomatic ties and reopen embassies. The tensions between the two Middle East oil-producing rivals have gone to an end as a result of China's mediation. In this context, it's easy to understand that Washington elites are not so happy to see China's negotiation power.  

Xi-Jinping's state visit shows China support for Russia. But it also mean that China may offer a proposal to end the Ukraine-Russia war, although the USA has committed 54 billion aid for Ukraine, including at least 20 billion in military support. In addition to this, French foreign minister recently said that Ukraine needs to be helped immediately. And this, in my opinion, doesn't help the hypothetical negotiation table.

In the meanwhile, there is another small brick that can explain the Nord Stream pipeline's act of war. Obviously,  it can't be considered as an evidence.

Two weeks ago the cargiologist of the local hospital, here in my town, put the pacemaker into my mother-in-law's chest. She needed such surgery. But she had to wait many months, due to the fact that there weren't enough beds avalilable in the operational unit of cardiology. What I am trying to say is that, on the one hand, the quality of EU health care system needs to improve in terms of hospital services, on the other hand, EU policy-makers continue to send weaponry, military equipments and anti-missile systems to Ukraine. 

I hope China's government will be able to hold a negotiation table between Moscow, Kyiv, Washington, and London. In addition, forty African countries are in Moscow today. The conference is called "Russia-Africa in a multipolar world". We wait and see. 


  1. Hari OM
    Add in that the banking sector is showing signs of becoming unstable also and 2023 is shaping up as yet another year of uncertainty and turmoil... Good wishes to your mother in law. YAMxx

    1. Clouds of instability! I agree on this point.
      Thank you, Yam!

  2. Giorgio, I hope that your mother-in-law will be healthy!
    I speak of health care in Poland the situation is very bad too. Unfortunately. In Poland it’s not the fault of the current government, but everyone for decades!
    Giorgio I talk about Xi's visit to Moscow - the Chinese president in my opinion will always be Putin's friend. It’s one hand. Xi will support Putin, but later he will want payment. China wants to be a superpower playing first fiddle in the world. China must not be allowed to dominate the whole world.
    In my opinion, China being an advocate of peace and love is a mockery!
    We look at what Beijing is doing to the Tibetans, the Uighurs, Taiwan.
    I think Covid is Beijing's doing too (I don't know if they did it on purpose or if it was in the LAB - or another lab - an accident)!
    The criminal is with the criminal always. The murderer too!
    Giorgio I wish you a good Tuesday!
    I about Xi's visit to Moscow will write on the blog in the next days, because I have a worry now: my kitty was at the vet today and he will have surgery tomorrow.

    1. Hello, Anna! Thank for your kind words!

      With regards to Xi Jinping's visit, I think China is mainly interested in Russia's oil and gas. I bet some countries will disagree on China's peace plan. It's not easy to hold a negotiation table, as many powers around the world are interested in a neverending war in East Europe. Many countries will deliver tanks and missiles in the next 6 - 9 months. This means that they, policy-makers and people who rule the world, already know the war will continue again and again, unfortunately. It's an outright weapons race.

      On the epidemic front, big pharma multinational companies are still counting the money from windfall profits from Covid-19 injections.

      I hope your kitty will recover soon, Anna.

      Have a nice week ahead of you!

  3. The world is not in a good place at the moment. What with recent banking problems, wars, flooding, the list sometimes seems endless!

    However, I try to stay positive and enjoy the simpler things in life like spending fun times with the family.

    Talking of family I hope your mother-in-law does well now her pacemaker is fitted.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  4. La CIna non fa nulla per nulla,tutto ha un prezzo,spero che questa visita porti qualcosa di positivo.Io Il 18 di aprile devo subire un intervento:protesi al ginocchio,so che sarà lungo e molto doloroso.

    1. Ciao, Olga. Sono d'accordo con te sul fatto che la Cina si sta muovendo perché ha interessi (forse gli interessano le materie prime russe, quali gas, petrolio, carbone, etc.).

      Spero che l'intervento al tuo ginocchio, a cui verrai sottoposta tra meno di un mese, vada bene. Ti auguro anche di portare avanti una buona riabilitazione subito dopo l'intervento. Anche questo è importante. Il ginocchio è delicatissimo. Io mi fratturai il menisco nel 2019 e il mio ortopedico (dr.ssa Sagarriga) riuscii a farmi recuperare la funzionalità senza intervento chirurgico.

      Un caro saluto,


  5. Now Xi, the Chinese leader, and the leaders of 40 African countries are in Moscow. We, all the countries of our planet, dream that there will never be wars on our Earth. Neither Russia nor China are going to become superpowers.
    Russia and China have a long friendship. I am glad that Iran and Saudi Arabia extended the hand of friendship to each other. If only all the countries of the world would become friends!

    It has long been known that the United States is to blame for the spread of covid-19. It was the Americans who created this virus in their laboratory and sent their military infected with covid to China. A documentary by an American journalist was shown here in Russia. The American elite is accustomed to blaming Russia and China for all its own sins.

    Giorgio, I'm sorry your mother-in-law is sick. I hope she gets better soon.

    1. They, Putin and Xi Jinping, held a 4 hours meeting yesterday.
      It seems Russia's government agree on China's peace deal for Ukraine. The problem is that Ukraine's government isn't enabled to take any decision about peace agreements.

      Thank you for your kind words, Irina.

  6. It seems the visit by China is an alliance against hegemony of US dominance in the world. Stay tuned. I am sorry to hear about your mum in law. Pacemaker is a relatively simple procedure that does not take long to do. It is the capitalism diminishing the workforce by underpayment in the name of pandemic. Healthcare is bad everywhere now.

    1. Since the 1960s, a goal of U.S. foreign policy was to align with China against Russia: how stupid do they have to be to make Russia and China to align against the USA?
      The partnership between Russia and China is stronger than ever before. Iran and Saudi Arabia have brokered a peace plan to join the BRICS+. Mexico, Egypt, Argentina, African countries and others have expressed interest in joining BRICS+.
      We are going towards a multipolar world, which (I hope) offers security, peace, and stability.

      Thanks for sharing your interesting point of view!

  7. Good afternoon Giorgio! Today I learned that the British are going to use depleted uranium in shells. NATO fired such shells in Iraq and Yugoslavia. They want to turn the entire territory of Ukraine into a new Chernobyl.
    Depleted uranium is very dangerous for people: cancer, the birth of disabled children. NATO doesn't care about Ukrainians. The Kiev regime will shoot these nuclear weapons at Russia, they can (as usual) shoot at Poland, Romania, Moldova.

    1. Hello, Irina!
      I have heard that the Russian government has warned that Moscow would be “forced to react” if the UK provides Ukraine with ammunition that contains depleted uranium. And, unfortunately, this happens when Xi Jinping has just used his visit to the Russian capital as platform to promote China's peace plan.

      Thank you for the update, Irina :-)

    2. Hey Giorgio! Today I learned about the death of more than 7,000 Italian soldiers who fought in Yugoslavia and used depleted uranium shells against the civilian population of this country. This uranium is also dangerous for Ukrainian soldiers.
      Ukrainian land will produce contaminated grain if such shells are used in Ukraine.

    3. That's unfortunately true, Irina. Many Italian soldiers died after they had fought in Kossovo (Former Yugoslavia), because of contaminated weapons. But they didn't shell agaist civilians.

    4. No, Giorgio! Italy is a NATO country. All NATO countries took part in the murder of the inhabitants of Yugoslavia, Iraq and other countries. Now all NATO countries want to destroy Ukraine and Russia. Italy also supplied weapons to Ukraine. People are killed with your weapons.
      Today is March 24th. On March 24, 1999, the war in Yugoslavia began. Serbia was waiting for help from Russia. The Serbs are offended by us that we did not help. But we couldn't help. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, there was chaos in the economy, politics, etc. in our country.

  8. First of all, hope your mother is ok now. Health and Welfare are worse than ever but people in Italy especially in Genoa, we say "mugugnano"without really fighting against all this. China's mediation will fail because Ukraine can't accept any peace proposal without USA's Yes.

    1. Thank you for your kind words about my mother-in-law, Daniele!

      With regards to China's mediation, you're right, as Kyiv government is an outright USA's puppet. Washington and London continue to say it is not time to negotiate. They (USA & UK) want still see ukrainians on the battlefield. They don't care about the distruction of Ukraine's infrastructures again and again. Don't to mention of Ukrainian people who are suffering.

      Thank you, Daniele! Have a nice weekend!

  9. Let us hope and pray that China's peace plan for Ukraine is sincere.
    Sorry to hear about your mom-in-law.
    Sending her hugs and prayers. 🙏

    1. Thank you for your support, Veronica :-)
