
Monday, 12 June 2023

Northeast China

Last week, on June 8, I shared some pictures which a friend of mine had sent from Northeast China.  I was glad to see some friends of our blogging community ( Veronica , Tanza , Anna and Ashok ) enjoyed his photos. Thanks for the appreciation! He had also sent these ones.

With regards to Northeast China, I have just heard that part of the country will start using Russia's Vladivostok port, reducing freight transport. This means that distance will decrease by more than 800 km from industrial base of Northeast China provinces.

The bad news is that the unemployment rate among young Chinese people has been growing since late 2022, reaching 19.6 % in  early April 2023.

I hope you will have a nice new week!  


  1. Hello Giorgio! Your friend sent you great photos. Does your friend live in China? Russia borders on China. The Chinese city of Heihe is located on the banks of the Amur River, opposite the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk, with which it is connected by regular river traffic and a road bridge.

    1. Hello, Irina!
      My friend Stefano, that's his name, lives in Northeast China only two months for each year. He is involved in Italian wine export. There are good political relations and trade between Rome and Beijing and many agreements have already been signed. That's the main reason why Italy couldn't follow Washigton's Taiwan Policy Act of 2022 and military support for Taiwan.

      Interesting info about Russia and China relationship along the East Asia border. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Giorgio, this morning I've learned about the death of Silvio Berlusconi. I'm really sorry. He was an outstanding politician. Silvio was a friend of Russia. I send my sincere condolences to his family and to all Italian people.

      I am glad that Italy maintains economic and trade relations with China. We all, the peoples of the world, must live in peace with each other.

    3. In my opinion, we are going towards a multipolar world. As mentioned by an Indian geopolitical expert, SL Kanthan, European people's future will be bright if we "focus on Eurasia, the largest and wealthiest land mass. From London to Shanghai, Lisbon to Vladivostok, and Berlin to Bangalore… the opportunities are endless through cooperation, trade, development and peace".
      I also think unipolarism will not exist anymore.

      Thanks for your thoughts about Berlusconi.

    4. Giorgio, the unipolar world is the domination of the United States, which teaches other peoples how to live. The USA organizes wars, conflicts in many countries of the world. NATO is not a defensive organization. NATO was created to kill and rob the peoples of the world, which for some reason the Americans do not like.
      A multipolar world is what Russia and China want. This is a world without war based on respect, friendship and cooperation.

      Why is Russia supported by the countries of Africa and Latin America? Russia has never had colonies in these parts of the world. The Soviet Union built power plants, roads and bridges in African countries. The Soviet Union and Cuba were bound by great friendship.
      Silvio Berlusconi pursued an independent policy in Italy. In 2015, he came to meet with Putin in Crimea. He knew why the people of Crimea decided to become part of Russia.

      As long as Europe submits to the US, nothing good will happen in the European Union. When the war in Ukraine ends, the war in Taiwan or somewhere else will begin. What are Americans still doing in Syria? They are robbing this country, stealing oil. Why is no one talking about US aggression in Syria?

    5. Dear Irina, I know American armed forces are still in Northeast Syria, due to the fact that they pretend to support the Kurds.
      In reality, they are intersted in, firstly, Syria's oil and other resources and, secondly, in a strategic location in the Middle East. Americans also have official policy towards the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq.
      In this context, many members of the Turkish government are not happy to see American and Kurdish soldiers close to their border. After the 2023 election President Erdogan once again threatened to close U.S. bases.
      In addition, some months ago, the deputy leader of the Turkish Motherland Party, Ethem Sancak, said that Turkey might leave NATO in one year.
      I think that Turkish government is interested in joining BRICS and other countries that will stop using U.S. dollar ... it seems the U.S.dollar will no longer be the single most traded currency.

    6. I am happy that you undrstand me very well! Grazie, caro amico!

  2. ...and spectacular week to you, Giorgio.

  3. ... and a happy week is wished for you too.

    All the best Jan
