
Saturday, 17 February 2024

Excessive use of smartphone

Yesterday, on a cloudy friday, I had brunch in Rome after I had had a  myocardial scan. The cardiologist prescribed me to undergo this non-invasive imaging test that shows how well blood flows through my heart and muscles, as I go to the gym three times a week. This medical  test must be done on a empty stomach.  I'll get the medical report on 22nd February. 

The diagnostic centre is located in a beautiful corner of Rome.

On the way back home  I saw that most people handled their cell phones while travelling by train. I noticed that on average only one out of twenty people was reading a book or a newspaper.  

As it is known, mobile phones makes our lives easier, but on the other hand, excessive use of smartphone can reduce our cognitive and learning skill. In addition, it also tie us. I think we will face the same problem with artificial intelligence, which can change and shape human action.

With regards to artificial intelligence, former Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, in 2022 wrote we must all ensure  that such a technological development "is not created in isolation", as we have to "pay attention to both its potential benefits and as potential risks".

Have a nice Sunday ☀️


  1. Giorgio, my friend, first of all I have to write that I hope your study will be good, you will have good results!
    Health is the most important thing!!!
    Giorgio, you wrote about smartphones/phones.... I see it too... People are looking at smartphones all the time! They don't even look while crossing the street!!!
    I talk about artificial intelligence, I have some concerns....
    Giorgio, I wish you a good Sunday!

    1. That's true, dear friend! I also see many people who cross the street while they are watching their smartphones. I'm afraid artificial intelligence will change and shape our behaviour.

      Thank you for sharing your comment, Anna!

  2. I am trying to do vertical trainer daily. So better cardiovascular health.

  3. best wishes for your continued good health.

  4. Espero que te vaya bien con el examen. Cuídate mucho. Te mando un beso.

  5. I do hope the report on your medical test will be good.

    Although I wouldn't be without my phone, I do try to limit the usage.
    I also make time to sit and read a book, most enjoyable and relaxing, especially with a cup of tea.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. I also try to limit smartphone usage, I agree on this. I think we can't be with our phone round the clock.
      Thank you for the support about the medical test!

  6. Hello, dear Giorgio! I am sorry you have some heart problems. I hope everything goes well for you. I wish you will never get sick. We must hope for the best.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Irina. I'll get the medical test report next week.
      Enjoy the rest of this sunny Sunday!

    2. Giorgio, stay healthy and be happy! Ti auguro buona salute!

    3. Thank you again, Irina 😃

  7. Reading books has always been a rarely practiced activity in Italy, smartphones have facilitated a further abandonment of it and those few who read, at least while travelling, now perhaps do so but using Kindles and therefore still using an electronic device. I really hope you are well and the exams are satisfactory.

    1. I also hope people will read more by using Kindles.
      Thank you for the support!

  8. I have never wanted a cell phone. I think they are part of the ruin of our lives. (my opinion) Of course I do have a cell phone. However, I only talk and occasionally text. I don't have apps, I don't go on line or do my banking, or face time and I DON'T take photos with my phone. Everyone's heads are down. They miss so much. As for your myocardial scan, I recently had one and I hope yours is as good as mine. Well wishes my friend.

    1. I completely agree with you on mobile phone addiction. Everyone's heads are down, that's true and it's so sad. 😒

      Thank you for your support! 😃

  9. There is a huge problem nowadays...

    1. The problem of excessive phone use has been getting worse over time.

  10. It's disheartening to see people seemingly glued to their screens instead of appreciating the beauty of the world around us.

    Wishing you all the best for your medical results. Giorgio. 🙏

    1. ... and not to mention of children who spend four hours or more per day on their smartphones.

      Thank you for your support, Veronica.

  11. The exaggeration of cell phones for sure
    there are its risks.
    I believe that the cell phone can be a false companion.
    Affection for people or someone goes a long way.
    Good start to the month of March.

    1. Thanks! Have a nice month of March too!

  12. Te deseo una buena semana . Te mando un beso.
