
Saturday, 16 March 2024

Sweden has lost its policy of neutrality.

Sorry to bore you once again with a geopolitical topic. Unfortunately, I have noticed that world powers want the two wars in Ukraine and Palestine never to go to an end. 


Since the Ukraine-Russia war began, back in 2014 (not 2022), Sweden has been hitting by massive propaganda claiming if Swedish people didn't join NATO, Russians would invade them next. I think this is not true, as Russia has no interest in Sweden and its territory, although that  Scandinavian country is on Russia's "Unfriendly countries list". 

According to many analists, a clash with Finland could be a more realistic possibility. Obviously, Russia is determined to stop Moldova and Georgia from joining NATO. 

On 7th March Sweden became NATO newest member. Consequently, it's easy to see that the Swedish government will be compelled to send soldiers abroad. In addition, Swedish kids would be forced to serve in the military in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and other countries located close to the Russian border. 

Photo courtesy of Stefano Gazzano, who took them in Stockholm a few years ago.

Have a nice Sunday ☀


  1. near Russia has made them be pragmatic.

    1. Actually, it isn't easy to remain neutral. On the other hand, Sweden isn't located close to the Russian border.

  2. Russia is not going to attack Finland, Sweden, or any other EU country.
    When Finland and Sweden were neutral countries, they maintained their sovereignty and their independence. Now they have become countries dependent on the United States.
    Previously, Finns came to the border regions of Russia to buy food and gasoline. Today the Finns are hiding behind the barbed fence that they have already built on the border with Russia.

    1. Unfortunately, they built their barbed fence when the Ukraine-Russia war began.

  3. Hi Giorgio!
    Giorgio, in my opinion Putin is unpredictable. Nobody really knows what this madman is thinking.
    I'm glad that Sweden and Finland are in NATO.
    Giorgio, I wish you a good new week!

  4. I agree with you. I would like to know what was offered to them to join. Have a nice eveing.

    1. There are many benefits of neutrality. In addition, if Sweden were neutral, it would play an important role in conflict resolution.

  5. It was written from the beginning. Ukraine will loose the war, USA won't beat Russia but they have already added Sweden inside NATO and the relationship between Europa and Russia could be over for a long time.

    1. Russia is a winner, as it got new territories. UK & US are also winner, because they have been selling weapons and missiles since 2014. There are only two losers: Ukraine and EU.

  6. The situation in Europe is getting complicated. It's sad to see how the Ukraine conflict is changing things. We need to focus on peace and talk things out instead of more fighting. Adding Sweden to NATO changes things, but let's hope it helps make things calmer, not worse.

    Happy Wednesday, Giorgio!

    1. Thank you for sharing your interesting comment, Veronica!

    2. You asked if we visited Ponte Vecchio when we visited Florence. Regrettably, we only viewed it from a distance en route to Piazza della Signoria. In Florence, there's just too much to see and too little time. We couldn't fit everything in our schedule.

  7. It certainly does seem that the world powers want the wars in Ukraine and Palestine to go on.
    While the many innocent people suffer, those that supply weapons are flourishing!

    All the best Jan

  8. Te deseo un buen fin de semana.

  9. Pasaba a desearte unas felices pascuas . Te mando un beso.

  10. Giorgio, I wish you a good Resurrection Sunday!

  11. Buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.
