
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Prolonged the war in Ukraine

Investment management companies are still seeking to prolong the war in Ukraine to keep the cost of rebuilding higher daily. 

If we were to analyse the main geopolics event, that have took place since late 2020, we would see more wars compared with the previous four years: the Iran-Israel esclation, the Ukraine debacle, the war in Lebanon, the Taiwan's provocation and the Gaza's genocide. And with regards to the genocide just mentioned, after Israel's president had left 70k tonnes free-fall bombes on civilians, schools, hospitals and refugee shelters, he asked the United States Congress: "Give us the tools faster and we'll finish the job faster" ... and they gave him a standing ovation 53 times. 

Ukraine's right to defend itself is praised by many international leaders while Russia's invasion is condemned, but commentators said the same cannot be said about Israel occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which are Palestinian territories.

In 1996 Samuel P. Hungtington wrote "The clash of civilizations", which still is one of the most  influential books of our wartime era. But all that we are witnessing is not a clash between civilizations, it's a clash between civilization and barbarism.


  1. Grazie per questo bel post.Buona serata.

  2. Where will this all lead?
    Will these war crimes ever end and those responsible will be held accountable? ...
    Things are looking bleak for the people of Gaza at the moment.
    It is a human tragedy.
    Good post!

    Wish you a very nice new week :)

    1. That's true, dear friend! I'm afraid multinational management companies' investments in this global war economy are built on an unending threat of war.
      Thank you for sharing you point of view!

  3. Hi Giorgio!
    I'll start with the book “Clash of Civilizations”. I read it, I, among others, mentioned it in my master's thesis.
    Giorgio, I when talking about the war in Ukraine, arms corporations “play first fiddle”, but the war would end if Putin ended it. Unfortunately, he won't do that - this criminal does just the opposite! North Korean satrap Kim Jong Un's soldiers and cooperation with the criminal regime in Iran.
    Giorgio, I salute you!

    1. Anna, Putin already ended the war in the spring of 2022 after signing the peace agreement in Istanbul. Russian troops had liberated Kharkov by that time and were standing near Kyiv. We left these territories, but Zelensky started shooting again.
      Are you sure that Putin wants to continue the war?

      I could also call your Andrzej Dida, Donald Tusk and Radomir Sikorski criminals. You constantly insult our President. Look at your rulers. They are American puppets!

    2. Hello, dear Anna!
      I am glad to hear you agree on the fact that multinational investment companies, which are involved in weapons & missile export, are playing "first fiddle". This point would be useful to understand a possible provocation, but that's another matter

      With regards to Ukraine-Russia war, which you mentioned, I think we can't begin our analysis since late February 2022. Moscow claims US & UK broke a promise they made in the 1990s not to expand NATO, and it was (and still is) a useful tool to justify Ukraine's invasion. But this is a long story, and I have noticed that many analysts and commentators wouldn't like to mention which decisions were made by NATO members, in 2008 and 2021 in Bruxelles. There are no doubts about the fact that international law condemns the attack on a sovereign state, but we would see all evidence at our disposal. For example, I have never heard a jornalist speaking about the huge military drills put in place three times in 2021 by US, UK & Georgia on the Ukraine's territory. Can be this considered as a provocation? In 2021 Ukraine wasn't a NATO member. It was a neutral state (at least formally). Actually, it is not easy to understand.

      Thank you for sharing your interesting comment!

    3. Post script: in my post I mentioned all the wars (not only Ukraine-Russia) that have been triggered by those predators who run investment management multinational companies.

    4. Anna, Korean soldiers never stepped on the Russian territory. It's an American fake.
      Anna, why do you hate Iran and China? They never attacked Poland. Wise and hard-working people live in these countries.

  4. There is too much war in our world, and it seems no easy answer to end any of it!

    On a more positive note I send my good wishes to you and your family and hope the week ahead will be good for you.

    All the best Jan

  5. los intereses politicos y económicos son los que hacen las guerras. Te mando un beso y te deseo una buena semana. .

  6. Replies
    1. You are right, Daniele. Maybe, we can add a few figures about military spending, which is highest in the United States ($ 801 billion). Extreme levels of United States' military spending is higher than China, India, the UK and Russia together. That's why they strongly need to trigger wars across the world. If they were not to do so, their economic cycle would decrease sharply.
