
Friday, 18 December 2020

Expiry of post-Brexit transition

Do I need a passport to get the UK? Unfortunately, yes! From January 1st,  2021, free movement of people between the UK and EU will end. And from 2022 British people must pay for an electronic authorisation to travel to the EU countries.

Actually, it seems the UK and EU might find themself in a "no-deal" situation on January 1st. As a consequence,  from January 1st  Brexit will change many things. For instance, to visit Britain we have to make sure we have at least six months left on our passport. In addition,  importers and exporters have to label many goods, such as meat, fish, and plants in specific way. Food products shipped from the UK have to comply with EU standards. 

The good news is that lorries can continue to drive across the border between the Republic of Ireland (which remains in the EU Single Market) and Northern Ireland (which leaves the EU, as part of the UK).

The five pictures below taken in 2018 show some places in London. I have been to the UK three times without a passport, as there wasn't any restriction of free movement of people in Europe.


The last time I went to London I saw the roads covered with show ❄☃️


  1. ...Brexit sure sounds like a dumb idea to this Yank!

    1. True! Thanks to money (from Arab banks and Russian multibillionares), which supported the former UK leader of the independence party, Nigel Farage ... not to mention of Russian interference during the 2016 Brexit referendum

  2. Che bella Londra, è la città più cool del mondo! L'ho sempre vista con la pioggia, mai con la neve... queste foto sono bellissime! Ci voglio tornare al più presto, è vero però: molte cose sono cambiate dalla Brexit!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  3. Apprezzo molto il tuo modo di vedere il mondo.
    Love, S.

    1. Thanks for your appreciation! ... if you really think so.

  4. So now there is a new rule that Europeans are not as free as they used to be, but they must first have a passport to visit England?
    Will this regulation affect various aspects?
    Have a nice week.

    1. Yes, unfortunately from January 1st 2021 Europeans will need a passport to visit Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland).
      At the moment there is still serious disagreement between the UK and EU about fishing and competition.
      In my opinion, in 2016 the British people chose to leave the EU single market and customs union through a referendum. So Britain shouldn't remain free of tariffs and quotas. The UK have to leave the EU with no deal.

    2. I have seen the news in the past that UK has left the EU.
      Thank you very much for your explanation Mr. Giorgio.
      I understand now

  5. Wishing you a blessed Christmas. Giorgio!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram
