
Monday, 14 December 2020

Winter is coming

While Fall is going to an end, we continue to enjoy its colours. In Italy the main Fall colours are brown and yellow. It is unusual to find red and orange leaves as we see in North America. The wonderful Quercus Rubra, the northern red oak, is a native of Eastern United States and South Canada. 

It is also easy to see many red berries through the Italian forests in late Autumn.

So winter is coming, bringing cold nighttime temperatures.

The two pictures below show the environment where there are around 8000 last "maremmana" cattles. Those extraordinary strong and hardy animals live in Central Italy, between South Tuscany and Rome. 

In terms of EU legislation, the basic protection of those cattles falls under the " General Farm Animals Directive". According to the directive 98/58/EC, member states shall make provision to ensure the welfare of animals under their care ... cattles should be allowed to go outside, preferably every day.


  1. ...the red holly berries a wonderful addition to the winter landscape. The church looks like it's out of a story book. Thanks Giorgio, I hope that you are enjoying the days leading up to Christmas.

    1. It's my pleasure, Tom! ๐Ÿ™‚ Great to hear you enjoyed those pictures.
      Have a nice week, my friend!

  2. Amo i colori autunnali, la Maremma Toscana รจ una zona bellissima, quanto mi manca potermi muovere e viaggiare anche solo all'interno della mia bellissima Italia... Bellissime le tue foto!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Stringiamo i denti, Paola Un ultimo sforzo durante l'inverno che sta arrivando e tra pochi mesi potremo di nuovo tornare a visitare il nostro fantastico Paese.

  3. bellissime le tue foto.Grazie della visita al mio blog,buona serata.

  4. I am amazed by the different colors of autumn leaves in Italy, America, Canada ..., how can nature create such a unique color?.
    Understandably, my country does not experience autumn ... so I was amazed by this miracle ��.

    Interesting and beautiful post, Giorgio.
    May your day always be full of happiness.

    1. You're right, as the intermediate seasons of spring and autumn occur at higher latitudes, in both hemispheres.

      Anyway, You can choose to visit my country in Autumn whenever you want, Himawan. You are always welcome.

      Thanks for your kind words! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Boa noite meu querido amigo Giorgio. Essas belas imagens, parecem um pouco com o interior do Brasil.

  6. Sono meravigliose queste foto!
    Buona serata Giorgio!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  7. Ti auguro un buon weekend caro Giorgio!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  8. I like seeing the autumn panorama. Although in our country we have never had 4 seasons. Only 2 seasons.
    I really love the golden color of the leaves in autumn.
    I just learned that the autumn leaves in Eastern America and Southern Canada are different from those in Italy.
    it would be very interesting to see all of them.
    I am also interested in the red berries that grow there. Berries do not grow here, which grow strawberries.
    The Maremmana herd looked healthy and strong. Is this type of maremman cow a special breed in Italy?
    Thanks for sharing the fall info and pictures.
    Have a nice wekend

    1. So glad to hear you are interested in my post.
      According to old Roman writers, ancestors of the maremmana cattle were already in Central Italy 2000 years ago. It seems maremmana cattle strikingly resembles Hungarian cattle. We don't know whether the maremmana cow entered in eastern Europe or, on contrary, that typical white longhorned cattle entered in Italy from Eastern Europe.
      It's nice to see you are so curious to know everything about other countries.
      Have a nice week!

    2. So according to ancient Roman history the white longhorn cow originated from Eastern Europe and entered Italy .. This maremman cattle cow does look like a big, strong and tough cow. Surely the meat is also of good quality. Maybe even premium quality.
      Yes, I am always curious about everything that other countries have.
      Have a nice Christmas holiday

    3. Thanks for wishing me a nice Christmas holiday, Miss Cherry!

  9. Love the beautiful captures!

    Happy New Year, Giorgio!
