
Sunday, 7 February 2021

A small wave of optimism

On the economic front, many experts can see a wave of optimism, as vaccination programmes progress and expectations of large stimulus by US President Joe Biden are driving global markets near record highs.

Meanwhile, in my country former European Central Bank President, Mario Draghi, is tapped for Prime Minister role, in bid to avoid early elections. Hope he will probably lead the country out of the political crisis.    

                                                          (View of Naples)

(An ancient gate in Naples. It was built in 1484)

              (The port of Naples and Vesuvius volcano covered with clouds)

                                      (Naples and its sky on a cloudy morning) 

       (Rome, 1st February, a department store in the Eastern part of the Italian 
       capital shows that people are still wearing a mask and respecting social 
       distancing rules seriously)


  1. ...we need many small steps forward!

  2. True, a good recovery process will be step by step ... we have to avoid bubbles as we saw in the previous decades.

  3. If seems the whole world in in transition. I love the photos you sent to me. I really had no idea that Naples is such a crowded place. Anyway it seems like it. Have a great day.

    1. I agree with you, Nicole. Since 2020 social and economic global environment has been changing. These changes create new forms of industrial organization and transform the economic structure from within, destoying the old one and creating a new one ... I would have never thought of more than five Billion people who buy water, bread, clothes, health services, and educational services through Alibaba, Amazon, eBay,, etc.

  4. Beautiful photos of Naples, Giorgio!

    How true! The pandemic has brought on many changes. I don't think life will ever be back to exactly the way it was before the pandemic.

    1. Unfortunately that's true: the pandemic changes everything!

      Glad to hear you enjoyed the picture of Naples ... it's the town where I was born.

      Have a nice week, Veronica!

  5. Sempre meravigliosa Napoli, che belle le tue foto!
    Quanti cambiamenti... è vero, chi lo avrebbe immaginato, chissà se torneremo mai indietro...
    Ti auguro un buo inizio settimana.
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Hai ragione. Forti dubbi che tutto possa tornare come prima (turismo crocieristico, compagnie aeree, teatri, fiere espositive, etc.). Solo in Italia sono stati persi oltre 400.000 posti di lavoro negli ultimi 10 mesi.

      Grazie per aver condiviso la tua opinione. Sei sempre gentile, Paola.

      Auguro un buon inizio settimana anche te.

  6. Beautiful views of the city of Naples in a mountainous valley ....

    Currently, almost all countries are making a transition, hopefully good things will happen, no more pandemics. It's just that not everyone can use the vaccine formula because it is due to several inherited factors such as allergies.

    1. I didn't know about those inherited factor! that's a great problem. In addition, I have heard the European head of the World Health Organization said he was concerned COVID-19 vaccines would not work on variants.

      Thanks for sharing your point of view, Himawan!
      Have a nice week!

  7. Very beautiful pics of the city of Naples!
    Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
    Rampdiary | Fineartandyou | Beautyandfashionfreaks

    1. Glad to see you enjoyed the post!



  8. Boa tarde meu querido amigo. Parabéns pelas maravilhosas imagens.

  9. Ciao Giorgio, che novità? Qui in Italia siamo tutti in attesa (con grande speranza) delle decisioni del Presidente incaricato Draghi... speriamo bene!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  10. C'é un osso da spolpare e molti cani sopra: il "recovery found" ... per questo motivo é stato tolto il buon Conte.
    Cosa aspettarsi da Draghi se non altre leggi a favore delle banche.

  11. Che belle foto Giorgio, complimenti. In quanto al presidente Draghi staremo a vedere se come carattere è degno del suo cognome. Spero non si faccia condizionare troppo dai partiti nelle sue decisioni. Sarebbe una delusione. Ciao e buona giornata.
