
Friday, 12 February 2021

Trump's second impeachment trial

Since US senate proceedings began early this week, House managers have shown evidence that Trump "incited insurrection". There are evidence that many phrases have been used by the former US President to urge his supporters, such as "the election was stolen" and "fight to stop the steal". He also said that the only way to take back the country is to fight. That's really dangerous!

Prosecutors have even produced evidence that Trump was no "innocent bystander", but the inciter-in-chief. On 6th January, he said: "stop the fraud, take the Capitol right now!".  That day he used that word "fight" twenty times in his speech.

Furthermore, some prosecutors also said Mr. Trump had the power to stop the attack, but he didn't. Five people lost their lives. If Americans want to stop something like that from ever happening again, that man must be convicted. 


  1. ...sadly all of this doesn't matter. What does matter is what the members of Senate think and many aren't thinkers!

    1. So sorry to hear members of the Senate don't think as they should!

  2. Sono convinta che Trump abbia incitato all'insurrezione.
    E se davvero aveva il potere di fermare l'attacco, salvare quelle vite umane, e non ha fatto nulla, va condannato!
    Ti auguro un buon weekend.
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. I agree on this point, Paola! Thank you for sharing your point of view.
      Have a nice weekend ❄

  3. Even with all the evidence, the senators who were there, all but 7 of the GOP voted not guilty. The "thing" was acquitted today. My country is on a down hill roll.

    1. So sorry to hear The US Senate has fallen short of the two-thirds majority needed to convict former Trump, as there
      were 10 votes short of the 67 required for conviction. ... This means that more than one third of them agree on Trump behavior.

    2. ... as demonstrated by Democrats and some Republicans, he was "responsible" for the assault on the Capitol.

  4. Bom dia meu amigo, infelizmente ele não foi condenado.

  5. Unfortunately the impeachment was canceled ..., , i watched the news from the news channel.
    Hopefully the situation will be safely under control, there will be no more acts of violence.

    Have a nice week, my friend Giorgio.

    1. It seems things are going well.
      Thanks for sharing your point of view, Himawan!
      Have a nice week!

  6. Non mi è mai piaciuto Trump!Buona giornata.

  7. Ieri ho seguito la vicenda... sembrerebbe se la sia cavata per l'ennesima volta...
    Buon inizio settimana!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  8. It is difficult if the former leader of a country does not accept the fact that he has actually been replaced by a new leader. But he still wants to be a powerful leader.
    The reality is that the people don't like him anymore and want to be led by a new, better leader.
    Have a nice week

    1. You are right! Actually, US people chose to be led by a better leader. This is how democracy works.

  9. Cio Giorgio, che novità? Ti auguro una buna giornata!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram
