
Sunday, 21 February 2021

US rejoins the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement

I'm glad to see that the US is officially to rejoin the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, reversing the withdrawal by Donald Trump.  Each year we wait to not invest into mitigation today will exacerbate in the future the cost of adapting. Actually, we would need greenhouse gas level to be net to zero by the end of 2050. 🌲🌳🌳🌲

From the early 1800s, coal, oil and gas have been burnt, and have been releasing gases that trap heat from the sun. That's the main raison why there is now more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there has been for million of years.

Unfortunately, despite governments around the world are aware of planet earth's ecological limits, temperature is still going up. 🏭🚢✈

The last picture of the two donkeys has nothing to do with global warming. I took it yesterday while I was walking through the countryside. There was some grass around the fence, on the side, so I decided to feed them. 🐎🐎


  1. Yep, look at what's happening in Texas now!

    Love the adorable photo of the donkeys, Giorgio!

    1. Right, Veronica! I have never heard of such deadly winter storm in Texas and US southern States.
      In addition, a record number hurricanes, wildfires and floods exacerbated by climate change cost the world $ 210 in 2020 ... I hope it not too late!

  2. ...hope it makes a difference.

    1. I can see the beginning of good things in the work programme ... a good beginning, but just the beginning.

  3. Replies
    1. Mi fa piacere vedere la tua sensibilità verso un tema così importante per il futuro del pianeta.
      Grazie per la visita al mio blog, Olga.
      Un caro saluto!

  4. Bom dia meu amigo, parabéns pela excelente matéria. Saibas que você tem um grande amigo no Brasil e se fosse possível conversaria pelo WhatsApp.

    1. Of course, my friend, I would be honored to hold a conversation through WhatsApp, although I don't know your language ... I speak (and write, read and listen) English, French, and Italian. Please, send me your email.
      Have a nice week, Luiz!

    2. Good night my dear and great friend Giorgio, sorry for the delay in responding to your message. My whatsApp +5521974332934
      Luiz Gomes.
      Thanks for the friendship and trust.

    3. My great old Giorgio, I only speak Portuguese. I use the Google translator to chat with you via WhatsApp. F, I am happy to have an intelligent friend like you who speaks three languages: French. English and Italian. Know that you have a great Brazilian and Carioca friend.

    4. Também me sinto honrado em conversar com você meu amigo. Desculpe a tradução para o Inglês.

  5. Un post interessante che induce alla riflessione. Personalmente sono felice che gli States siano tornati a socializzare con il resto del mondo e a parlare e condividere problemi che ci coinvolgono tutti. Buona giornata con un sorriso.

    1. Effettivamente si erano pó isolati gli US durante il decorso biennio ... cominciano a recuperare verso la giusta direzione. Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo punto di vista.

  6. Climate change is an issue that needs urgent attention. Otherwise, hard times await us in the future.

    1. You are right, Ms. Irem! Actually, we have to live better, because there is no planet B.

  7. Sempre interessanti i tuoi post, mi fa piacere tu abbia affrontato un tema così importante oggi. Il ffuturo del nostro Pianeta dipende esclusivamente da noi!
    L'ultima foto degli asinelli è adorabile!

    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Mi fa piacere vedere la tua sensibilità verso queste tematiche legate alla protezione del pianeta. Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo punto di vista, Paola.
      Un caro saluto!

  8. We can only hope the US/Biden and his team can convince the world leader that we are NOT the country of trump and takes us back. BTW I love the donkeys. They are so cute. Glad you got to feed them. Have a wonderful day.

  9. Passo per un saluto Giorgio... ho appena fatto il vaccino riservato agli insegnanti, comincio ad avere qualche effetto collaterale... ci sentiamo settima prossima.
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. Non preoccuparti, Paola. Una minima reazione dell'organismo è comunque fisiologica. Spero che andrà tutto bene.
      Grazie per i saluti!
