
Tuesday, 2 March 2021

UN Climate Change Conference, UK 2021

In 2015, during the Conference on climate change, many countries signed up to limit global warming. These countries will get togheter again in November, at the Scottish Event Campus, in Glasgow, with the aim of discuss the escalating issue of climate change.

On the one hand, people around the world are aware of what is happening in terms of global warming. On the other hand, for the biggest World's CO2 exporters, such as Qatar, Norway, and Iran, oil and gas has been a very important  source of income. That's why it is politically difficult to turn down some activities, which can create terrible impact that can not be reversed. But the time has come to turn down those activities.

Every country can make something, and we need to act now, as climate change  affects us all. This is a global challenge.


  1. You are so right Giorgio. Every country needs to, at least, make some small changes. I am hoping with Binden in office he will make big changes. It is such a fight here, big money ruling the roost. LOL BTW almond flour here is very expensive too. I stock up when it goes on sale and keep it in the freezer. Have a wonderful day today.

  2. is always politically difficult to tackle big problems!

    1. True, it is not easy. But it is crucial to the future health of our planet!

  3. Attività fondamentali per l'economia di alcuni Paesi, ma che potrebbero creare danni irreversibili all'intero Pianeta: problema, indubbiamente, non facile ma se tutti facessero qualcosa...
    Felice Marzo, Giorgio!

  4. Happy Thursday honey! Wonderful Post! Have a great day!
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  5. Tutti possiamo fare qualcosa di più, basterebbe un po' di buona volontà e qualche piccolo gesto quotidiano che, sommato a tanti altre migliaia, milioni di piccoli gesti nel mondo, renderebbero più vivibile questo nostro bistrattato pianeta. Ciao Giorgio. Buona serata.

  6. Happy International Woman's Day!
    Kisses, Paola.


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