
Saturday, 18 November 2023



Yesterday I noticed streets and alleys were so clean in the early evening, while I was enjoyed a walk through  Civitavecchia's historical neighborhood.  And I also saw someone who was picking up trashing and litter while walking. A few minutes later it was easy to see that there were two women who were not employed to collect urban waste. I have heard of garbage collectors,  who pick up and transport waste to disposal sites or recycling centers in the morning, but not in the early evening. 

After I had asked her why she was collecting waste in the early evening, she said that it was not her job. She specified it was a new sustainable initiative which combines walking with caring of urban environment. Obviously,  she wore gloves and had a bag to collect litter along her route. 

The term "plogging" is a combination of picking up litter while jogging.

The 3rd and the 4th pictures have nothing to do with plogging. They give two different perspectives of the parich church located in the octagonal square of San Lorenzo Nuovo, which is a small village (149 km North from Rome).

With its 2,000 inhabitants, San Lorenzo Nuovo lies close to the lake Bolsena in Central Italy.


Nice weekend to all the members of our blogging community!


  1. Hi Giorgio!
    First of all: the photos are very nice. Beautiful city and streets.
    In my opinion a very nice initiative. Congratulations!
    I would like people to take care of the environment, their surroundings. Unfortunately, I more than once see, for example, candy wrappers, receipts thrown on the walker, on the side of the road not in the trash.
    My good friend, I salute you and I wish you a good Sunday!

  2. The historical neighborhood is looking magnificent. What a legacy of human civilisation.

  3. ...they say that cleanliness is next to Godliness.

  4. To Anna, Roentare and Tom: I hope other people will do the same.

  5. Dear Giorgio! Thanks for the beautiful photos! In our city, the streets are swept and cleaned every morning.
    On the eve of the Chinese leader's arrival in the United States, they finally decided to remove garbage from the streets of San Francisco for the first time in 5 years.
    What a shame that such beautiful cities have so much dirt on the streets! There are so many homeless people and drug addicts in the USA! And they are all young people, not old people!
    The USA has so many internal problems, and they interfere with other countries and do not allow people to live in peace.

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed the pictures of the town where I live.

      With regards to USA, I think Washington's elite (powerful and rich people) have never been interested in homeless and poor people who live in their country. They're involved in becoming richer again and again. As you can see, when a new war begins around the war (Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen, etc.), New York Stock Exchange rises. When pandemics lead to large-scale social disruption, USA stock Market rises and so on. There're many omnivorous predators who live in that country.

  6. Love the photos in the town you live.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the pictures of the town I live.

  7. Beautiful neighbourhood, Giorgio!
    Plogging is a fantastic idea🏃‍♂️🌍

    Have a great week ahead!

    1. ... it is a simple way to reinforce our environmental awareness.

  8. Very interesting post, I didn't know anything about plogging

  9. Es un lindo lugar : Me gustaría conocerlo. Te mando un beso.

    1. I hope other people will do the same.

  10. Giorgio, I advise you to remove active links written by someone in Arabic script. There may be viruses there.

  11. I enjoyed seeing the photographs of the town you live.

    I'd not heard the term 'plogging' before but here in the UK we have quite a few volunteer groups who meet up and go litter picking. We all need to help keep our environment a pleasant space/place to live.

    Wishing you a happy day.

    All the best Jan

    1. Growing environmental threats have increased environmental awareness throughout society.

      Thanks for the appreciation!

  12. the word "plogging" is new for me......
    great program....other cities should try this program....
