
Friday, 1 December 2023

The 1st day of the twelveth month of the year

Today, on a cloudy morning, I saw a lovely children playground located close to a residential neighborhood in the southern outskirt of the town. 
It reminds me that  neighborhoods like that don't exist anymore in Gaza City.

 I also took a few pictures that show the sea in late Autumn.

The lanscape was pleasant and the weather was almost too good. I could see just a touch of grey clouds in the sky.

Those small wooden stilt houses are mainly used from June to October.  Situated on the sea and close to the shore, they are romantic vacation places.

The two following pictures are less romantic than the previous ones, as they show illegal waste dumping on a area surrounding the industrial district (North side of the town), due to the fact that  many construction and landscaping contractors don't use athorized methods. Typical of third world!

Unfortunately, there is still a lack of public awareness regarding the environmental, health and economic danger of illegal waste dumping.

Have a nice weekend 💦


  1. Pictures to think others to dream and others to remind to the cruety of human being

    1. True! Logical deduction in your comment, Daniele. I agree on this point!

  2. Ciao Giorgio! Congratulazioni per il primo giorno di dicembre e l'inizio dell'inverno!

  3. Great looks in your area. The sea is pleasant. Have a good week too

  4. Very beautiful photographs of the city, the lands, and the sea. For me, the houses situaded on the water, are very curious, because I think that can be hard for the construction when arrives an storm. Sure that in summer It are very confortable, but in winter sure not. Have a nice day.

    1. ... That's the reason why those stilt houses can be used mainly from June to early October.

  5. Hi Giorgio!
    Giorgio, my friend very nice photos, beautiful views (I'm talking about those photos at the beginning of your post)! The other photos are sad...
    Unfortunately, it's the same in Poland. I go to the forests for mushrooms I often see illegal rubbish dumps. People throw away all sorts of things: paper, plastic, bottles.... It's a very sad and horrible sight!
    Giorgio, you wrote that it was a cloudy morning - it was much better weather than I have!!! Here it's snowing and freezing!!!

    1. Hello, dear friend from Poland❗ 🇵🇱 I am glad to get your comment 🙂

      In addition to glass, paper and plastic, which you mentioned, people also throw away some hazardous waste, such as paints, contaminated building materials and compressed gas tanks. With regards to environmental crimes, I think penal law in Italy isn't as adequate as it should be 👮‍♂️

      Have a nice weekend ☀️

  6. I always look forward to seeing the photos you share from your corner of the world.
    Those wooden stilt houses remind me of our "kelong" in my corner of the world.

    Have a great week ahead, Giorgio

    1. I will share other pictures from my country, Veronica 🇮🇪
      Thank you for your kind words ❗

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Esperó que hayas tenido un genial mes. Es un bello lugar lástima lo de la contaminación. Te mando un beso.

  9. Καλημέρα Γιώργο η νέα διεύθυνση του blog μου είναι αυτή:

    Υπάρχει σαφής ανάγκη να αυξηθεί η ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού

    1. Che inciviltà le discariche!Bisogna cominciare dalla scuola ad insegnare il rispetto per l'ambiente.

    2. Pienamente d'accordo, Olga: insegnare ai bimbi piccoli i danni all'ambiente e alla salute umana e all'economia che possono scaturire da questi comportamenti incivili.

  10. Well your first five photographs were very nice, but not so the last two, in fact they were sad to see ...

    All the best Jan
