In September 26, 2015, George Soros published a plan where he firstly said very clearly that EU institutions have to accept at least one million asylum-seekers annually. He, secondly, said that adequate financing is critical. In this perspective, he proposed to issue long term Euro bond for financing the migration crisis and the migrant social and welfare taking care when they arrive to the EU. Obviously he and other billioners would be the buyers of those long term Euro bond. That was (and still is) a way to put more money into the pockets of richer people. Actually, it is not a coincidence the fact that George Soros is a pioneer of the hedge-found industry.
Mr. Soros also said that safe channels must be established for asylum-seekers starting with getting them from Greece and Italy to other EU countries, such as Austria, Hungary, Germany, etc.
To sum up, illegal and unchecked immigration, which we have seen in EU since 2015, is not an accidental fact known to have happened. On the contrary, it's a plan. It's a plan which is going on. And it was written. It was published. It is known.
This explains how EU institutions are working and how George Soros was able to captive the main position of EU institutions in order to execute the plan.