Tuesday, 7 January 2025

1 million asylum-seekers annually

In September 26, 2015, George Soros published a plan where he firstly said very clearly that EU institutions have to accept at least one million asylum-seekers annually.  He, secondly, said that adequate financing is critical. In this perspective, he proposed to issue long term Euro bond for financing the migration crisis and the migrant social and welfare taking care when they arrive to the EU. Obviously he and other billioners would be the buyers of those long term Euro bond. That was (and still is) a way to put more money into the pockets of richer people. Actually, it is not a coincidence the fact that George Soros is a pioneer of the hedge-found industry. 

Mr. Soros also said that safe channels must be established for asylum-seekers starting with getting them from Greece and Italy to other EU countries, such as Austria, Hungary, Germany, etc. 

To sum up, illegal and unchecked immigration, which we have seen in EU since 2015, is not an accidental fact known to have happened. On the contrary, it's a plan. It's a plan which is going on. And it was written. It was published. It is known. 

This explains how EU institutions are working and how George Soros was able to captive the main position of EU institutions in order to execute the plan. 

            (I took the above photo last year at Rome's main railway station) 

In the meanwhile, brainwashed people thought that who disagrees on human trafficking and unchecked immigration was a fascist. If we, EU people, were really interested in helping migrants who leave their poor countries, we would create special economic zones to attract investment and generate jobs in Africa. On the contrary, with the aim of allowing richer people to become richer, some EU governments had been stealing  human resources from the African continent. 
The good news is that since the new government took office in Rome, illegal and unchecked immigration in Italy decreased by 60%.


  1. ...in my humble opinion, many European countries are suffering the ill effects of their colonial adventures in Africa. You reap what you sow.

    1. Actually the countries that are mainly affected by mass migration are France and England, which were the two main colonial powers. Interesting point, Tom. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Giorgio, I thank you for this post of yours! You wrote talking about a very important topic! I already said once that George Soros is the Satan of our time!
    Giorgio, unfortunately, but the current government in Poland is connected to Soros. I give you an example about the (most likely) next Polish president: https://dorzeczy.pl/kraj/501450/warszawa-syn-sorosa-odbyl-spotkanie-z-trzaskowskim.html

    1. Hello, Anna! Thank you for sharing such an interesting information about the connection between George Soros and Poland's government. Sorry for that! That shitty man is damaging European civilization.

  3. Whether Europe will ever be able to master the situation and the danger ...

    Wish you a very nice evening :)

    1. It seems Ms. Meloni's government has begun to deal with mass migration successfully. We wait and see!
      Thanks for sharing your point of view :-)

  4. George Soros did indeed publish a plan on September 26, 2015, outlining his views on how the European Union should handle the refugee crisis. He proposed that the EU should accept at least one million asylum-seekers annually and emphasized the importance of adequate financing to support this initiative. Soros suggested issuing long-term Eurobonds to raise the necessary funds, which would help cover housing, healthcare, and education costs for asylum-seekers. It's important to note that Soros's plan was intended to address the humanitarian crisis and improve the management of asylum-seekers in Europe. While some may view his proposals as a way to benefit wealthy investors, the primary goal was to create a comprehensive and effective response to the refugee crisis.

    1. Dear friend, I know that the main mass migration began in 2011, as most people from Syria and Eritrea fled their country because of civil wars. In this context, George Soros exacerbated the so called refugee crisis, as he spent millions of US dollar buying ships for NGOs. Actually those Soros' NGOs ships shipped millions of people from Africa, but not from countries involved in wars. He was able to transform the refugee crisis in a historical mass migrants crisis. Consequently, we saw human trafficking, migrants smugglers and exploitation of poor people coming from Africa countries. Many young male people were shipped from Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, etc. were there wasn't any war.

      To sum up, some EU countries gave them political asylum. But who gave them the right to grant political asylum to people who did not come from countries involved in war❓ The answer is that he, George Soros, was so able to captive the main position of EU institutions in order to execute the plan. If that predator really had wanted to help Africa's people, he would not have spent money buying NGOs ships. On the contrary, he would have created special economic zones to attract investment and generate jobs in North Nigeria, Mali, Gambia, Senegal, etc.

      As we see nowadays, George Soros and other billionares will never let a good crisis to go waste, seizing upon every disaster to make profit. I can mention many good examples, such the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the provoked wars in East Ukraine and Middle East, the distruction by fire of the town of Lahaina, in Maui, Hawai, etc.

      Thank you for sharing your interesting point of view on such important topic.

  5. Es terrible como vivimos en un mundo injusto. Te mando un beso.

  6. Illegal and unchecked immigration is such a big problem over here in Scotland and sadly giving a bad name to the asylum seekers who actually need the help. Sad world we are living in Giorgio, it really is :-(

    1. Sorry to hear that illegal and unchecked immigration is affecting Scotland too. I didn't noticed such a big problem while I was visiting Edinburgh and Rosslyn.
      Undoubtedly we, Europeans, have to help political asylum seekers, who fled from war and starvation. But this doesn't mean that we have to steal human resource from Africa. In addition, migrants smugglers and human traffickers must be prosecuted by the penal law.
      It is desirable that EU and UK institutions will create job opportunities in many Africa countries.

      Glad to read your comment about this important topic, Ananka :-) Thanks for that!

  7. I agree with Ananka. Here in the US it is such a problem for those trying to get in legally. Gangs have taken over some parts of our big cities. Portland, OR. is just one that is pretty near to me. I don't think anyone in charge has thought this out very well.

    1. That's true, Nicole. Policy-makers in some Western countries are not interested in dealing with this topic. So sad to hear most migrants continue to get in illegally. That's a good business for human traffickers.
      Glad to hear your point view :-) thanks for that!

  8. Yes, I also think that illegal and unchecked immigration is a big problem. Governments are trying to tackle the 'smuggling gangs' but it is a huge task.

    All the best Jan

    1. Good point, Jan!
      Harsher criminal sanctions against human traffickers and migrants smugglers. Judges should apply the same criminal law that exists for the slave trade.

  9. La inmigración ilegal es un grandisimo probñema que sufrimos creo que todos los paises, deberiamos poder controlar este desbarajuste que enriquece a unos y empobrece a los demás, lo peor de todo es la cantidad de vidas que quedan en el camino
    Un abrazo, buen año

  10. Quello dell'esodo dei migranti illegali à un grosso problema.Nessuno riuscirà a fermarli purtroppo.Sanno del rischio e tentano la fortuna.
