During the last weekend more than 200,000 Romanian people gathered in Bucharest to stand up for their democracy. They demand their country back after the corrupt establishment canceled democratic elections. Romanians are demanding the resignation of Klaus Iohannis, who is illegally occupying the position of president of Romania, as well as that of the entire government.
The democratically elected president of Romania, Kalin Georgescu, is supported by more than 70% of the population. Along the streets of Bucharest there are only Romanian flags. No EU flags, No US flags and No Ukraine flags.
It easy to see that the establishment can't cancel elections because they don't like the candidate for whom people voted. That has nothing to do with democracy. It seems the same movie as we already saw when other democratically elected presidents in Europe were overthrown.
Obviously, the globalist media system, enslaved by the international corporate elite, hasn't mentioned that news. This is the end of democracy in the EU.