Monday 22 July 2024

Fully moon July 2024

On Sunday, 21st July, the full moon reached peak illumination. In many traditions fully moon simbolizes growth and strenght. Unfortunately I don't know what it means for zodiac. A nice post about this topic was published by our blogging friend Anna from Poland.

On the same week, the British rockband Coldplay were in Rome at the Olympic Stadium. I bought the tickets last year in September!!
The band said that all physical records for their 2024 album were manufactured from recycled plastic bottles.  

Have a nice new week! It's the last week of July.

Saturday 13 July 2024

More fruit and veggies

From tomorrow maximum temperatures of 35 degrees are expected between Sardinia island and mainland Italy. Sorry to see many tourists from Northern Europe visiting my country during heat waves may be more affected than residents. The problem is that at this point the human cooling mechanism may fail.

Since 21st June to the 8th of July the weather had been never too hot. But since last Wednesday the African anticyclone has been returning to Italy and the climate has become schorcing. It heads from North Africa, and returns to Italy bringing back the heat.

The good news is that the heat causes the consuption of fruit and veggies (including legumes) to jump by 20%.

Have a nice weekend ☀️πŸ’πŸ“πŸ†

Friday 28 June 2024

In the hills once again


Around here, small towns located in the hills and with a tiny population are usually called  "villages" or "communities".

There are many villages in the area where I live. Probably, some of them have even less than one thousand people living there.

I noticed that people who belong to those communities tend to know and take care of each other. The problem is that we may be judged by the history of our relatives.

This week I went once again to Tolfa, 75 kilometers North from Rome. And once again I noticed that the countryside don't disappaer under housing development. That's great!

And last but not least, at Tolfa's farmers market I can buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season that were picked within 24 hours. There isn't any walnut shipped from Chile or tomato made in Spain.

I think that nowadays living in a small town is just great.

Friday 21 June 2024

Old Rome-Fiumicino railway


The origin of the Rome-Fiumicino railway line dates back to 1875. Located close to Rome, Fiumicino is home of the largest airport in Italy ✈ In addition, it has a large fishing center🦐🐟

A railway engine and a baggage wagon are still positioned on old tracks in a street in the center of Fiumicino.

The tracks of that railway line no longer exist, as the last train to Rome left the night of January 30th, 2000.  πŸš‚πŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒπŸšƒ

Have a nice weekend!☀️

Sunday 9 June 2024

The port on a sunny Sunday


On this sunny Sunday six warships have docked. Consequently, today the image of the port changes from this: 

to this:

I wish a nice new week to all the blogging community. ☀☕πŸ₯

Saturday 25 May 2024

Urban heat island effect


In many towns around the world there are dense concentrations of pavements, sidewalks, buildings and other surfaces paved with asphalt that absorbs and retains heat. 

Most of the available soil in the urban environment is buried under asphalt and concrete and any minimally available bare soil is compacted by foot traffic. That's why the green areas in the photos are fenced. 

Adding shrub and trees to the urban environment offers ecological value and reminds us regionally typical vegetation.

I am glad to see olive trees blooming, considering from 2016 to 2022 many Italian farmers experienced wasting disease of olive trees. 

Have a nice weekend ☀️

Thursday 9 May 2024

Better late than never

It seems President Biden has just understood that bombs supplied to Israel have been used in Gaza to kill civilians ... better late than never.

According to the US National Security Council, if Israel were to make significant ground combat operations in South Gaza, we would see innocent people falling victims again and again.

We wait and see.