Sunday 14 October 2018

Italy's populist budget

Since last week the EU has warned that Italy will end up worse off under the populist government's spending plan. It's easy to see that the EU establishment and its media system define "populist" all  Member states who disagree with their policy about immigration and unemployment. Actually, the new Italian goverment want to raise the public debt by 8.5 Billion, as the Prime Minister would like to introduce jobseeker's payments.  
As it is know, the UK, Germany, Ireland, and other UE countries, have introduced jobseeker's payments and unemployment allowances since very long time. And from 2011 to 2017, while the two previous Italian governments were raising public debt by 400 Billion, the EU and its establishment didn't say anything. The two governments were not defined as populist, and the EU agreed with their policy. On the contrary, after the EU Budget commissioner had said three months ago "financial market would show Italians how to vote",  Italy's "populist" budget began to draw concern from the UE. 
I can't understand who give them the right to say that to the Italian people.


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