Friday 2 September 2022

Black sheep

A dear friend of mine has just sent me the picture below. But I haven't understood if it is related to the pandemic (and its vaccine's moral obbligation) or the energy crisis. Otherwise, the picture may also be related to the ongoing war that began in late February close to EU borders. Does the Ukraine-Russia war become a never ending war? ... as we've already seen in Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc.

Meanwhile, people who rule the world are trying to trigger another war on the Pacific front (East Asia) ... $ 1,100 Billion missiles will be shipped to the island of Taiwan as soon as possible.  

Nice weekend to the blogging community :-)


  1. ...war seems to be never ending.

    1. That's true, unfortunately! :-( ... It seems other world powers aren't involved in peace agreements seriously.

  2. Pare che questa guerra durerà a lungo.Buon fine settimana.

    1. A quanto pare sarà un conflitto destinato a durare anni. Non vedo spiragli di dialogo, primo perché i belligeranti sono troppo fermi sulle loro posizioni e poi perché non vedo grandi potenze (Cina, USA, Francia, etc.) interessate ad incentivare il dialogo tra le parti in guerra.

  3. Hi Giorgio! Not only the China-Taiwan issue, there are the Balkans still. I heard that there may be a conflict in the Balkans too. Unfortunately...
    Giorgio I salute you and I wish you a good Saturday!

    1. True, due to the fact that Bosnian Serbs have been looking for independence, but there's opposition on the part of the EU and US, which do not wish to see a redrawing of Balkan borders.

      Thank you for your interesting comment, Anna :-)
      Have a nice weekend!

  4. Replies
    1. You're right! ... ... the main problem is that since the late 1990s politicians have been behaving in a way which involves multinationals' approval (Biotech, BigPharma, weapons, anti-missiles systems, etc.).
