Friday, 21 March 2025

Day and night equilized


The spring equinox finally arrive this week, as from the 20th to the 21st of March day and night are equilized. From an astronomical poin of view the spring equinox Spring begins when the amount of sunshine is aproximately 12 hours. This happens when the sun crosses the equator from the southern emisphere to the northern emisphere. 

According to NASA, the equinox will occur at 4 a.m. on Thursday, 20th March, in the area located 6 hours behind the Greenwich Mean Time.

Many Judas-trees in the urban environment are already blooming. Those small deciduous trees show their beautiful pink flowers from late March to early May. In the language of flowers, the Judas-tree symbolizes betrayal.

Have a nice Spring season 🌺🌺🌺


  1. Spring equinox is a good news for your cold winter

  2. ...days of longer sunlight are a blessing.

    1. We need a sunny spring after a rainy winter.

  3. Enjoy your spring. Photos are lovely too.l

  4. This year, with all the rain here, it's going to be a spectacular spring.
    I didn't know the name of that tree, the beauty of betrayal...

    1. I hope it will be a spectacular spring as you mentioned.

      Maybe that tree is also in your environs, but you don't know its name.


  5. Hi Giorgio,
    I'm very happy that it's finally spring!!! I had 40 degrees on the thermometer today in the sun!!!
    Beautiful photos you posted, the most beautiful are the colorful flowers!!!
    Unfortunately, but I welcomed spring not cheerfully. Unexpectedly, my neighbor died on Wednesday :( I and my parents tonight were at the Rosary for his soul (we in Poland have a custom that the day before the funeral the closest family and neighbors pray the Rosary in the house of the deceased with his family or in a special room in the funeral home). Tomorrow is the funeral. A neighbor died unexpectedly, he a few days earlier became a second-time grandfather, 54 years old).
    Giorgio, I wish you a happy weekend!

    1. Sorry to hear your 54 years old neighbor died unexpectedly!

      I would have never thought of 40 degrees on the thermometer in Poland in late March.

  6. Bellas fotos. ten un buen fin de semana y bienvenida la primavera. Te mando un beso.

  7. What beautiful flowers in the first photo!

    1. Thank you for the appreciation, Irina :-)

  8. These pink flowering trees look magical.
    I wish you a wonderful spring. :)

  9. Happy Spring Giorgio :-D These are wonderful photos. I think Spring brings hope :-D

    Our weather has been warm and lovely this week but today the rain has come and it is back to normal in Scotland haha!

  10. Happy Spring ... one of my favourite seasons.
    I did enjoy seeing the photographs you've shared.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan
