Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Transatlantic partership or strategic autonomy


This morning the European Commission is launching a series of countermeasures to protect EU consumers from the impact of US tariffs of up to 25%. On March 12, the US imposed those tariffs on imports of steel and aluminium from European Union and other trading partners. 
That news reminds me a famous Heinz Alfred Kissinger's quote. As it is known, he was an American diplomat and political scientist, who also served as secretary of state. In 1968 he said: "It may be dangerous to be an America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal". 

Have nice Wednesday :-)


  1. ...Trumpy Dumpy does understand partnerships!

    1. inflation rate will rise worldwide because of his policy.

  2. That is a very good quote, I like it. Good that they are taking measures to protect their people. Unlike the idoits here in Scotland who do not care about their people or Scotland.

    My 6 year old has started asking about the Scottish Flag, she drew it at school and this has peaked her interest in being Scottish. It made me think of your post a while back about the flags in Romania and we rarely see our Saltire flying proudly. She always points it our when she sees it! :-D

    1. Hello, Ananka. I remember Scottish flags along Edinburgh streets when the UK left the European Union. It seems the majority of people who live in Scotland disagree on leaving the EU.

      Glad to hear your daughter is already proud of both her country and her flag :-) next year she may be interested in visiting the Scottish Parliament Building at Holyrood. I enjoyed its unusual architecture!

      All the best!

  3. Every day that passes and I see how this idiotic criminal and his henchmen behave, thinking only of their own personal enrichment, I wonder how millions of Americans have been deceived.
    The boycott of the US must be as broad as we can make it.

    1. In the meanwhile, Canada plans to impose retaliatory tariffs of $20.7 billion. Prices will rise because of his stupid behaviour.

  4. What a troubled state the world is in at the moment, it is so chaotic.

    All the best Jan

    1. I am afraid it will not be easy to protect European businesses and consumers.

  5. One thing is undeniable: after World War 2, the US helped Europe a lot.

    1. Of course, Washington was interested in Europe because of the so called cold war: the total number of nuclear weapons based in Europe reached an all-time peak of 7,300 during the height of Cold War tensions in 1971.

  6. El tiene razón . Temando un beso.

  7. The quote you shared from Henry Kissinger really highlights the complexity of international relations, especially when it comes to balancing alliances and strategic interests. The EU's countermeasures in response to US tariffs further illustrate the delicate dance between transatlantic partnerships and the need for strategic autonomy. It’s fascinating to see how global trade dynamics evolve and how nations navigate their roles in the ever-shifting geopolitical landscape.

    I just shared a new post you are invited to read:

    Have a lovely Wednesday!

    1. Maybe, Trump and the members Washington government would like to bring American businesses and entrepreneurs back to the U.S. ... that's a dangerous game, as Trump is gambling with rising inflaction a unemployment.

  8. Hello, Giorgio! I agree with Kissinger. Trump has his own idea of ​​how to protect the national interests of his country. Other countries do not matter to him.

    1. Yes, he would like to decrease U.S.' import on many goods, such as steel, aluminium, food & beverage. It seems EU companies that export to the U.S. will be helped to locate their businesses in America.

  9. Fun for the rest of the world
