Monday, 13 January 2025

Billions $ dollars spent to maintain the establishment

During the last weekend more than 200,000 Romanian people gathered in Bucharest to stand up for their democracy. They demand their country back after the corrupt establishment canceled democratic elections. Romanians are demanding the resignation of Klaus Iohannis, who is illegally occupying the position of president of Romania, as well as that of the entire government. 

The democratically elected president of Romania, Kalin Georgescu, is supported by more than 70% of the population. Along the streets of Bucharest there are only Romanian flags. No EU flags, No US flags and No Ukraine flags.

It easy to see that the establishment can't cancel elections because they don't like the candidate for whom people voted. That has nothing to do with democracy. It seems the same movie as we already saw when other democratically elected presidents in Europe were overthrown. 

Obviously, the globalist media system, enslaved by the international corporate elite, hasn't mentioned that news. This is the end of democracy in the EU.  


  1. ...Giorgio, you summed things well.

    1. Actually, they, Rpmanians, are demanding free elections without Russia, EU or US interference.

  2. Hi Giorgio!
    I hope Romania will not let itself be captured by Moscow. I hope Romania will show the “middle finger” to Russia.
    Unfortunately, but the truth is that the Kremlin (in my opinion the seat of evil) meddles in every election. For a long time, the Kremlin has been waging a hybrid war against the normal (at least more normal) world.
    Giorgio, I salute you and I wish you a good week!

    1. Dear Anna, Romanian people simply want they sovereignty back. They want to decide for themselves and not let Washington & EU bureaucrats decide for them. In other words, it seems they don't want to be a vassal state anymore.

    2. If Russia had interfered in any elections, Ursula von der Leyen, Olaf Scholz, Andrzej Duda, Donald Tusk, Emmanuel Macron and others would never have been elected as leaders of Europe.
      If Russia had interfered in the Romanian elections, Romania would never have supplied Ukraine with weapons.
      Anna, you wrote a complaint about me to the authors of Blogger because of my post about the restoration of Mariupol. 300 thousand of its residents have already returned to Mariupol out of 500 thousand who lived in this city before the war. You are simply jealous that the city has become beautiful.
      I have to write a complaint about you because you use rude words and obscene gestures in the blogs of other bloggers.

    3. Dear friends,
      I like to run this humble blog for the sole purpose of sharing ideas and points of view on various topics, such as geopolitics, economics, inequality, environmental protection, etc.
      Everyone is free to express her/his thoughts within certain limits, which you know very well and which it is not necessary to list.

      Thanks for your comment!

  3. Giorgio, I believe that the world is in a metamorphosis of horror. Freedom is being deleted everywhere.

    1. It's so sad, Nicole! I am afraid we will see unjustified arrests, disproportionate use of force, and police aggression during protests, which would be the same movie as we see now in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, where democratic elections were canceled.

  4. Te deseo una buena semana. Te mando un beso.

  5. Replies
    1. Actually, ex-EU Commissioner, ThierryBreton, is threatening to annul the upcoming German parliamentary elections as well. He said on TV: “We did it in Romania and we will obviously have to do it in Germany too, if necessary.” In his blind rage, he is even indirectly admitting that the EU is responsible for the annulment of the elections in Romania.


  6. Iscriviti al mio nuovo blog di fotografie!Buona serata.

  7. This shows people courage and commitment.

    I wish you a very nice evening :)

  8. I have not seen these pictures but as you say "Along the streets of Bucharest there are only Romanian flags" that speaks volumes!

    All the best Jan

    1. They, Romanian people, don't like to become a vassal state.

  9. You cannot cancel elections!! Crazy. I think so many of our "world leaders" are highly corrupt. Good for the Romanians. I think the EU and the US and even the UK like to interfere in countries affairs which is wrong.

    1. Who gives them the right to cancel elections ❓... I hope Romanian people will get back their sovereignity.

    2. I know! I really hope they will. It is a good point you note about all the flags, that is the way it should be.

      Have a good weekend Giorgio :-D

  10. It’s sad to see so many people in Romania fighting for their right to choose their leaders. Over 200,000 people stood up in Bucharest, showing only Romanian flags. It’s worrying that the media isn’t covering it. This is a big problem for democracy, not just in Romania, but in Europe.

    Happy Wednesday, Giorgio!
